What are they and what do they really mean to you.in a sentence..they could be what your dreams are made of or they could be the worse nightmare in your life. and to determine which way the story goes, its really up to you .meaning quid pro quo..you do.. i do. and its all about how far you'd really go to help them,in all likelihood they d do the same for you.okayy..at this late stage in life, they really cant be too mindful about you as they too are fighting their own battles in life, but if the despair becomes what could be your last moments on earth they will save you. Sure, like all humans , they have envies and hatred, but as frenz that understand you,lived with you,they dont really mind even if youre half cracked , simply because you cannot be replaced with another.not ever.that is why i live with this adage , never look down on anyone unless youre helping them up.so to all my frenz near and far places and memories...i love and salute all of you ..god bless!