Tuesday, July 20, 2010

..the anatomy of hate..

At a recent International Conference of Hate in Oslo , Norway,where established speakers include Dr Ellie Wiesel,Bill Clinton,Nelson Mandela and other dignitaries who are masters in their fields of relevances,hatred is summed up as a complex effective state of mind compelled to aggression.It is aroused by experiences of frustration,and in most state and uncompromising manner, by events that are felt to threaten life.If sustained and unresolved,hate may revolve around events of a criminal act.Then, as each of these speakers gave their views on the subject,hatred is further defined as a character that was formed against god,a symbol that was left out of gods lovely beings ie.the angels, to be placed in the fiery clauses of the satan in attack against god or its establishments ,and since we humans, have these choices of good and evil,it is only natural that we too shall inherit this emotion substantially and if left unchecked , shall be the controlling factor in our lives,backed by satanic avenges.
The solutions remain that of temporary measures.Heightened awareness,greater understanding,effective counseling of the epidemiology are necessities,mental and health professionals in the detection and treatment are prerogatives,lastly, concepts of the love for life or ones life regardless of creek,race or nature must be deployed in the masses for the masses...and as one speaker quipped..isnt it sad to live the beautiful complexities of life given by god in the slums of moral degradation and emotional decay..and in the writers conclusion ..as he witnessed a murder on the subway in New York City , coming home from this Symposium..where the crime was committed for a washed up Rolex and a few hundred bucks,there wasn't any hate evident in this motive of crime,only the love for hate that will remain unexplainable yet rational in our hearts and soul..

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