Monday, August 27, 2012

The Tactics n Lies Begin..

PKR’s aim of promising to make cars cheaper if the Pakatan Rakyat opposition pact takes over power in the upcoming general election has taken to the road, with the launch of a nationwide campaign to promote the issue.

According to reports, the party kicked off its Turunkan Harga Kereta (Lower Car Prices) campaign yesterday, which will see 50,000 vehicle stickers and flyers explaining PKR’s proposal being distributed at tollbooths throughout the country this coming weekend.

The timing coincides with the expected surge in traffic during the coming week. “The campaign will take advantage of the ‘balik kampung’ holidays in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidilfitri, so information about Keadilan’s proposal to reduce car prices by gradual abolishment of excise duties will reach the whole country,” PKR’s communications director Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad told reporters.

The logo for the campaign – which has its own Facebook page – does not represent any political element so all Malaysians, regardless of political belief and background, can unite and agree on the matter, he added.

PKR has promised to make cars a cheaper proposition for the rakyat by reducing the triple-tax burden – excise and import duties as well as sales tax – imposed on cars in the country. While slashing excise duties would cut government income by around RM8 billion, the party said that revenue could be earned through other means without having to impose additional financial burden on taxpayers, it was earlier reported.

It said that should it come into power, the party would offer a complete revamp of the National Automotive Policy (NAP) so that car prices will be made competitive and actual costs reflected, with the aim of improving the disposable income of Malaysians and reducing household debts.

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