...when doves cry...

lets put an end to this myth that fast food chains like mcdees.starbuxcoffee bean,burger king etc contribute to the zionist state israel.....Firstly lets look at the basic fundamentals...unless the zionists people per say are majority shareholders of these chains then it s probable that these funds go to them,of this im quite sure the majority financial hubs,hollywood related or media based companies like ABC,CBS are owned by the Jewish people in the US ,and that is why they are controlling the airwaves in the world.And as such , everything we see and hear today is stemmed from that phenomenon.Even then,there are costs involved and profits go back to the company unless the company decide to plough some of it back for aggression in Palestine we cannot do anything about it. So the same can be said about the fast food chains here,the mechanics of business take place without priority to adding aggression in Gaza.The real funders to Israel is the US,so dare we boycott that super -nation people.Please dont react to irrational rumours before knowing the facts,it undermines your intelligence to say the least,while making it confusing for the children they will grow up racist bigamist and a hater,not at all contributing to world peace in the future..And one last word,it is a known fact that a big multinational firm
,here make one of the component parts for Arab Nuclear bombs there,should we boycott that company as well??.....your understanding of the highest nature is very much needed before you "pull" that trigger..salam..
soo..u saying u support israel ,yazz??wakakakaka
ReplyDelete...world peace begins with you,your attitude,your kind deeds and action in life...not starving from the things you like just because they are western based.capische.