Wednesday, June 26, 2013 matter what...Sapura is still about getting things done...
Not like other places...working in Sapura is like playing the game of golf where is as is and most of the time the opponent is you your self and yours truly. I think in the 14 years i have been here..the echelon levels know no matter how hard they try to impress the bosses ...their boss s minds are fixed on appointed proxies..for one reason or the other matter how good you are are the only one that can set standards or fail..Pleasing the bosses is not a priority , its about individual play in a team..we all do good ..we all get whats good.
Most of the time .. its about being self efficient and just want to get the whole thing done and you not be the Murphys Law of somesort, will deliver or the whole cookie cake will crumble. In a nut shell, its about individual skills ,innovation and motivation that sets tempo to the game.And the bosses are pretty flexible..what you lack double it tomorrow..
This was how the great organization found ways and means to be what it is today..easily comparable to any S&P 500 company in just over three decades. It was no flash in the pan, neither was it spoon fed...its about a bunch of Professional Malays in their chosen fields came out to excel in the first wave of Technology age in Malaysia.I still remember those glorious headlines in thew 70s and 80s..Sapura Wins..or Sapura is now Turnkey...sending strong signals that at least one of the 20 bumi companies dreamt of by Tun was getting all engines firing. No predominant bribes, no fanciful cronism, just plain old hard working Malays working on several mega projects, the most iconic to me..THAMES of in the last minute Sapura snatched it from from Tabung Haji mesmerized everyone...was Sapura holier than TH at that time ..or was god just smiling ear to ear on everything YB Tan Sri Shamsuddin Kadir touched at that time...the business momentum for Sapura was so strong, everything technical and IT..belonged to them.For me personally..i was part of the the beginning of the Telco era. True , the GM Encek Husin was dynamic and forward thinking, but what made his vision a success was his sales team, to me personally, the assembly of the best 12 dedicated sales persons ever. Of all races.Dedicated to only beating our quotas and getting high commissions, once in a while,in full fled fron the office at Teledata Melawati on unannounced arrival of Dato Shahril at the office belting ....if you are not out are not WORKING!...And of course,
we were to some extent guided by the experiences of LMC, Encek Yuri Zaharin, the opposing views of Encek Zalif, the financial minds of Zalela Zaman Khan, marketing rhetorics of Encek Badri who thought till then being a dog trainer was alright, and never knew what Maulidur Rasul my heart i said..i thought i was bad..hehe....then the advertizing and bizarre mind of the late Encek Razali Md Noor, my boss then, also the nephew of Toh Puan Sagiah.Unmarried and attracted to only GE BB..he died 5 months ago in his sleep by his girlfriend, i soothed her by asking..soo u free la sekarang, at least that made her laugh.....i reckon of loneliness and his last job during his trying time was being a photographer for SIBs ICC 2007 i think..priced RM 600 for 30 pieces..pretty steep,but for his services for Teledata and Adam ..why not. Then theres Encek Salleh , merrying around with Izzets niece got him into sexual harrassment , it stopped his career as fast as his Kedai Sapura dids in Subang.But not before we worked on Razali Md Noors MAS Koperasi sales...imagine having a Sapura Booth just outside MAS Cabin crew movement office..for 3 weeks we were based there never in the office till Encek Husin thought we resigned and about as pale as he can be in wanting yo explain to Dato on my assumed MIA...and the numbers hit on that koperasi sales were as good as the FSS that bought our do want our after sales service rite worked all the time!..Systematically placed under Corporate,Government,Dealers,Inter co and Outstation sales, RM 10 million a month was normalcy. The problem really then wasnt about the ability to sell,it was about the ability to fight the stocks off the Management who also was selling like hot cakes.Commission or in what ever form they were taking it in was as hot as it gets...five figures...a breeze.Then my break to sell Motorolla 8800 in Cambodia hand carried..300 pieces...@RM 2200-RM800...the profit was even sweeter after trying to explain scrowny Cambodian soldiers in their Russian Cambodia the land line was costlier due to high infra cost...then came the thank yous from Encek Ahmad to me mn Hanaffi who just got a glance at Heaven..Cambodian Style...hehe...and in the fasting month...even better....Coming back to this fasting month here...let me "story" you the bizarre incident we had here...First n foremost..being mussafirs..hehe..we did not fast coming to Phnom Penh. Soo...merrily we went to a Malay Restaurant operated by the locals of course, for lunch, of which being the Ramadhan made it so much more an exciting visit. Everyone ordered,then about 20 minutes later the waiter came back with our food. But before he served,he asked, excuse me..what is the time please..I answered on the dot, its 1.25 pm ..please serve..Then to me and Hanafis shocked synapses, the waiter calmly sorry...this is the fasting month..we are muslims so we do not serve food during the day.What!!??you have our fucking food there...what fuck!!??i began being aggressive...Then our host Encek Ahmad spoke something in Cambodian ..told me ..cakap sama dia sudah pukol 6.45 petang laa.../apa niii..i said...cakap saja...En Ahmad i told the sorry..i was wrong my watch stopped..its 6 .45 pm..ohh he said..yes its break fast time ..u can now have your food...and after he n hanafi laughed so loud...weii...kita ni kat tempat songsang ke orang gila...shhh..said encek Ahmad....ada yang boleh faham tau.....and if that was weird...check out that evening when we all went to the karaoke nudging En Ahmad...sini nanti ada bunga kan encek ahmad...jangan risau..he said..bapak pokok pon ader...wakakaka..we as we sat there ,quite cosy,very dim and you camn imagine the rest, the girls came was very stunning..only 16 i eyed,red haired,braless blouse no guess an American bastard the GIs left...nii separoh matsalleh ke encek Ahmad..untok awak..he said..much to hanafis dismay...alhamdulilla...i said..hehe...soo as the girls sat next to us, we then requested songs of the contemporary trying to impress da dames, our hands on the mike and theirs on our mikes..hehe.then after i finished the first number Just Once...all the girls removed one garment of theirclothes...ehh apa nii...nak up da ke..i asked...takkk..said encek Ahmad..kat sini lepas satu lagu..depah kena tanggalkan satu pakaian...ohhh..we said..faster than the speeding bullet..hanafi erased all songs and after happy birthday to you,baba black sheep,again happy birthday...all the girls were naked,we were tired and drunk,very horny from the days experiences...Caligula In Cambodia was a go!!hehe...
well...we didnt really do it in 1 lounge..we had different rooms and one thing we learnt that night,never complain about girl service to Encek see a horrid transformation right away.This after my high and rough flight very satisfied ofcourse we regrouped at the main lounge , Encek Ahmad , with cash in his hands...asked..semuer puas kan....tak laa..saya punya hampeh\...said Hanafi...Then En cek Ahmad called loudly for his girl and as she came near, he slapped her so hard , fell, then threw the money on the rest..said to us..jom belah!...we kinda shivered as we left..i whispered to Hanafi...ko nii..apa laa...mana aku tahu..ingat dapat replacement...cilako..i said..hehe..
That "extravaganza"s went on for three nights , karaoke,dangdut, choice was always the bi products of American GIs never above 17, after returning i was so pale,my mum asked if i caught malaria in Cambodia, i said maybe , skyved work for 3 days MC...Hanafi on pretense went to see the mum or something like that for few days as to avoid Nonis interrogation...Our thanks to AMTEL for the Motorollas then , me and Hanafi made $18000...split 2 ways not a bad outing...this was commission and mark up after repacking at Langkawi for free tax, paid $2000 to Zaman for helping us there.
However, it wasnt just about sex in GI land..we went to a few Malaysian establishments, namely Celcom,Genting,then chauffered by this Executive in Celcom who actually was entitled to a driver,then visited this Museum of Horror aka Killing Fields at a school there , a place where Pol Pot executed thousands in gory and shocking way, Encek Ahmad went in detail how each torture was done, from swinging babies or adults upside down on the rope with his legs tied played badminton like by knives of baronets of Pol Pots soldiers to other unimaginable deaths, at 6.30 sharp, all guards hurriedly shut the doors no matter who was inside and as we had to run to leave, asked breathless later why...ada hantuu!!!...said en ahmad, i believed.
My sales account on collection here to Encek Ahmad was the only "administrative" problem i had then at Teledata..Accounts showed i had only banked in RM 24,000 when the full amount paid was RM 240, aggressive mood at first with Cik Zalilly Dato ' Zaman Khan, our financial controller, but ..her sweet pretty looks with sexy posture in baju kurung had me melted, she simply said..tunjok i proof jer laa..and with gods grace , never had i done this before, i actually photostated that cheque before submitting, more than amazed how Teledata accounts nearly pulled that one off with Maybank there i guess, but a bigger shock that year ,Sapura received best award in Malaysian Business that year for Best Accounting to some new ways of monitoring the groups accounts through LAN.But ..mann..that was a close call...sedekah pisang kat masjid sana tau..hehe..
Back at our business front, the sales team was strategically placed.Didnt quite recall where En Hussin was from, but he sure did design a very capable Sales Department. Not only were we divided into Sales Sectors, we also had Product Differentiation and each salesperson is allowed to sell any product upon permission from the Sales Manager, Badri, commission and the rest stayed the same.My next big break , Wireless System to Johor Port for RM 1.5 million, but a bigger pride for me then was a signed letter of appreciation from the then chairman , Tan Sri Shamsuddin Kadir....
Back to day 3 of reporting..How i came about that contract was actually a "cable contact" of leads seeing at that time we were rife in the cable business..I still remember on one of those days i had to accompany Zaman to fix a PABX phone at YB Dato Hishamuddin Husseins house in Ampang , and still remember he had to call up the then Dato Shahril twice that me and Zaman were actually with Sapura, still dont know why only after the second call he believed us, but anyway, due to his beautiful wife i think was at home, YB had to take day off to make sure we finished the job and left everything intact, and just before we left, he said,guys, check out Johore Port, theyre looking for a wireless system...not quite sure what that is...basically walkie talkie YB using repeaters..i said..thanks a lot,YB ..then we mosied on back to the office , short ,Datins a real stunner.
Never knew we had a chance at Johore Port actually, because one, YB was talking very casually about it, second, im sure even if there was a slim chance, Kedai Sapura JB was more on top of the game,and so it was tactician talk with my sales manager ,Badri. While i was the devils advocate, he was the true sales manager that never knew the word quit before trying , and that trait was our specialty at those hey days.
End of story,he sending you to JB monday on two things...we are principle company to Kedai Sapura JB and this lead was given by YB, u think he does not know by now your inkling linking to the owners here?..I guess so Boss...that YB looks very sincere although he looks arrogant and mean on the outside...apa tak nya..said Badri...if u n zaman were looking at his wife the whole day..anyone would..even god!!wakakakaka..we laughed.
Back at our business front here in Sapura HQ Jalan Enggang Keramat, all the artillery and guns were in place to "rule the world" , at least those related to Bumiputra Technology in the country , and true to the prints in Rancangan Malaysia KeEnam i think co produced and thought off by my father ,AAlahyarham Dato Yahya Haji Talib, while he was the first DG of EPU back then, this was the era of Technology Malaysia shall embark seriously on. But more important than the machinery, a new General was on the rise by the name of Dato SerI Shahril. After his return from the States, he was fast to stake his claim as the new Chief. Yes, he had rights, everyones saying, but the indignified way of getting Tan Sris Men , like Dato Ramrli Musa and others were quick to alert the market, this young guy can be very ruthless. But Tan Sri ,m as he is,made sure his men left so much more richer than they came in to help out start Sapura , after all it was their wits , negotiation skills and connection that made Sapura what it was today. Somethings going to be amiss here i thought, as Dato Wan Shah i heard just a ship load of telco equipment in India and Dato Seru pulled out a gun at the Management meeting then acted like nothing happened , scolded the employee while packing to get back at his job. Yup, Sapura was going on a major kick ass business at that point. I think personally, its because of Puan Sri Sapura who was very concern about everyone that worked here, from gardeners,cooks andmaids to dirctors like Nordin Kidam and gang.May god rest her soul in the gardens of Heavens where she fatiha..
One thing about this particular time of serious uprising of business opportunities in Sapura though , was the strong "comraderie" and healthy relationships amongst staffs, bosses and alike. Everyone was up to toes in their responsibilities, communication was intelligent, free flow, at good will and with sincerity and that no one was taking another one down as we were all recognized of having special skills of why we were hired by
Sapura in the first place. Bosses were down to earth, friendly, approachable, and if you had a strong case to be considered, you were never turned down. And the best part , the Management knew they had to take care off their prodigies, never at that time, friendly fire or extreme criticisms occurred hat could have taken the rice bowls away from the employees. But i notice after Puan Sri died, the higher you are in position here, the bigger the swords they carry to slash workers underneath, maybe some curse that she left behind signifying yes, you are on top of the world now, but you wont be there forever...allahwaalam..
Back to the project at Johore Port, my regular drives down in my Wira were forseeable lonely so i always planned to bring a companion with me, females , ofcourse, and with 5 star Hotels waiting and booked by Nonie, and she always got me the best rooms especially when going with Hanafi, requests were never turned down by girls if i told them , jom ikot i kejer Sapura hantar, they would be so excited because at those 3 or 4 days there, Sapura would show them the best itinerary in fine dining, parties and of course ..the inter ones after..hehe..on .certain days to celebrate good progress, even extended to nights in Singapore..this was Sapura mann..why not.Only slack then, Puan Sri caught a hint what i was up to, told off by mum of course, my response..Sapura pays for me and i pay for them with my money , whats the least i dont cheat steal cbt or equivalence. rite.
At the same time, dad was at full flight getting Mount Austin Residentials ready. Being the chairman, and partners with notables like Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar, i frequently killed 2 birds with one stone, while busy lobbying for JP, i managed bread and butter sales to Mount Austin for walkie talkies , forgotten their names by now, but all my dads Chinese staffs there showed me great hospitality, a lady in particular,who was a damsel in distress married to one of the directors, hope the rumours she killed herself was just that.I even had keys to our directors house there, but felt a bit eerie, me and those girls never stayed overnight, just to get a different feel sometimes..hehe..
I think the deal was closed after 6 months, our agreement with Kedai Sapura JB , headed by Kevin Natusch, assisted by Cornellius,that we supplied the equipment, they integrated and serviced the systems after, on insiders news this Sapura branch was actually owned by the MB's brother in law was even sweeter as i am sure calls came from Saujana no others came close to this deal.Which surprised me why Dato WanShah attended the signing ceremony instead of Hussein Zin, took the glory all to himself, as no others there knew except for us in Teledata he was then in Sapura Defense i think or was it Amir Hamzahs unit of Teletech, Hanafi nudged me to stay quiet ..dahh laa..asal kita dapat commission cukop...camni pon ader kaaa??i responded ...and sensed the sadness in him as Hussin Zin is his uncle and that Teledata's head honcho played pivotal role in this , meanwhile , me and the systems engineer there, Puan Azizah, our sense of belonging was at full bloom...hehe...
All work and no play makes Jack very uptight and have tight ass they say even when the biggest transformation of a Bumiputra unit from just a coin service operator to now hundreds of millions worth is underway. we always had time for sports and recreation. Football , bawah naugan, Piala Tan Sri , an intense competition between all the companies in Sapura always had epic finals. Uniphone , the favourites every year, played sazzy , total football,one i think that can even take on the National team now.Their finals were always intense, fights and hard tackles were rife everywhere, and talks at Stadium Merdeka , nii final antara syarikat dalaman Sapura??...menakutkan...!....
I was proud to have been part of the final against them....our grouping was under Communications i think, a grouping of retail based vendors in Sapura and one year we had the chance to meet Uniphone at the Finals in Kampong Pandan Stadium .Though i was only put in the last 15 miniutes by Encek Abdullah Yunos,i managed to nearly turn the game around at down 2-1, both my cutback and through passes at midfield to Arjunna and Faiz were narrowly missed and saved by their keeper ,Rosli Shaari, while our Johore Junior State Keeper from Kedai Sapura Johore made sure we lost just 2-1, instead of 21-0.Nevertheless, that was perhaps the most intense final Piala Tan Sri ever held, now , wondering why a great team like SMC in Sapura Industrial now never showed up to play with us there in KL, couldnt be distance,budget or things like that, must have been more the splitting of Sapura Motors into Ingress i think,neverthe less, Piala Tan Sri should have been one of the more exciting events they should have kept, hands down, comparable to any football competitions hosted by FAM.
Boss ..jaga team jer laa..and at that i took up the challenge..i wrote in to Sapura Sports Secretary,Nathan, who then gotten the bosses' endorsements and i was in after a month, once a week we had to meet in Sapura Holdings and then the Sapura Sports President,Fairus, Tan Sri s PA , was holding the trump cards. But the only thing that bothered me each time we meet , this Fairuz and Nathan would be at each others throats, too vulgar sometimes, i think they were actually partners at all sports budget then.But as Sir Alex i wasnt, i gathered the best team Sapura ever had at any time.Arjuna, Hasril, Faiz, 6 others from Uniphone,Rodli Shaari,we were so good at the Sapura Invitational 7 a side Tournament at VI one year, when teams like Malaysian Tigers were also competing, headed by Mubin, Malek Rahman,we became champions too easily by thrashing them 5-1 or something in the final, but my regret, before i couldfulfill on the promise to bring them to Hadyaai to celebrate, i had to leave Sapura.We did enter Dunhill League , but the fights between Fairuz and Nathan i think saw that to an end after i left. From Holdings to Teledata, i lobbied hard to become the first President of Restu...Rekreasi & Sukan Teledata bringing then to Tioman in 7 buses, and had the karaoke finals there were still not matched till now....Reminiscing Tioman 96...became my sad love song our of Sapura for a brief con in Robotics,headed by Dato s real brother in law....Dato Azli..whose soliciting of RM 500 k from my parents were actually funds to get a second marriage in for him and the MD , Norzam, and having everything sold off after 4 months there even after repainting and selling of robots from UKM to Kawat Zubir on MIDF loans,a police report on him as his staffs shouldnt be much a concern to his macha....i am sure he has been through worst..only those that have withstood and executed extremes can be where he is now..allahwaalam.. unwarranted departure from Teledata S/B was due to a series of unfavourable events that took place while the BOSS s away...Dato Seri ,you see, was at that time in M I T,Boston doing MBA and this was the best time the Management there thought i was getting unnecessary fame and fortune and that when it gets too good, you have to leave. The whole conspiracy began by sending the Star Sales Team to a Seminar in Awana.This was a time and place to re structure for the better they say and that anything you said will not be held against you.Apparently, it was a lot of BULL! And sadly, i was the chosen speaker for the team, thought it was safe to speak my mind, i let it RIP!..we banged on everything that were not right , from managements dubious way of doing things, from Yuri Zaharins new ROLEX watches each month,from LMCs trip to U.S to meet Sapura USA LOVER BOY, from managements rights to also sell, from on accessories on contra from dealers at a higher price, from our dealers being more profitable than us..everything was spilled ..professionally!!...and to our horror,the management aint amused,what happened after was unthinkable...the best sales team Sapura had gathered was more or less frozen!and that paved the way of the downfall of the telco business in the Group.It was a grave mistake i still dont know what went through the heads of the management...and all this was when the cats away..the mice certainly had their days..
So, while the stars of sales mainly were put in stocks n inventories, it took them only about 2 months to resign, i was given a slight increment and pay but it had a price. I was only allowed to do sales call from the phone, not to leave office and from the slightest ill like farting was reported by the new manager Siva.I wanted out, but before that went to Izzet , WanShah, all responded..we didnt bring u here..sorry...see Shahril laa..So Dato Azlis offer for better or worse i had to go for, and when Dato Sri at that time knew at my phone call...UNGRATEFUL FOOL!!YOU WILL REGRET THIS!!...was all he said..not that bad la i thought in my heart..hehe...Teledata S/B at that time tho was given to Dato Shahriman to run and it changed name to Sapura Marketing, and i think nearer to his in laws, he moved it to Kelana Jaya, which i thought..naa...Sapura Marketing is all about being here in Keramat,Melawati,going elsewhere will not be a good move.True enough, bulk of the cream that profitted the company gone, in few months after, Sapura made a major paradigm shift by selling the whole TELCO unit to Tan SrI Halim Saad , of RM 400 m short of the 3 b deal..Dato Sri told him no need to pay Tan Sri..just give us your Crest, a move Sapura never looked back again and became the S&P 500 equivalent company it is today.
But for what it was worth, this particular period of my life was very gave me a much better perspective of life as it is.I knew how things are done in the corporate life, i knew how top management think and feel,i knew that if you gave enough time and energy to succeed will, i knew that no matter what, do not take out your PAYUNG but if need be , you will be the hara kiri Japanes fihghter Pilot. But best of all, i got to know Amir Majiid , his other close biker friends and kavooming here there everywhere up to Myanmar on 2 wheels,best of all i knew Ed , KL Chopperei club. and then his x beauty wife..Yati. Who also had an equivalent ssssweeet sister with that poyo Zain..what happened to her i wonder. And i also knew what it was like being married.Yup..i knew a lot of things then..hehe..
But one special friend of mention here was Encik Sheridan Mohammed who was just recruited into Sapura as ex UTK for safely saving Dato again of his trigger itchy fingers, this time at Scandals Disco i think. Anyway,my first x wife then was very hyper at that time and at every argument she would drive away my Citroen ZX without a license, the last big fight we had, she ran and killed a biker who was doing stunts on her at Jalan Ampang.With no license , dead biker, smashed up car , this was no way out, until Encik Sheridan came and settled it amicably,without a fuss or muttering, just a warning, dont let it happen again.I wont ..i im going to divorce her..thats your choice, he said.
Well...briefly the rest in fast forward to 2003 , from that con robotics stint to a trial of being family employed before thrown out of the office by my brother to my own successful stint at F1 working at every other office i can get shelter from , but as it generates real cash it had everyone in my family said naaa...he is better off in the my dads vegetative state trhen, there was no protection on my part at all,pretty obvious the raid on my dads estates was a go then,to my mums deal with Dato to take him in Sapura again after his release, true to his words , he did...all he said to me before i started just going to skyve a lot there arent u..see how laa dato..hehe...
This was after all the moment they been waiting for, some not wanting to work and told their children and grand children everything that belonged to dato yahya was theirs , his children , easily disappeared or put away for an array of reasons.their mum our sister, she has no choice or she also dies.part 2 of their plan completed, they managed to get jack the ripper as my brother in part 3 and final act....i die and the plan is executed brilliantly.
Sapura Industrial...the final chapter....
This was certainly a really new business culture or environment for me. But through thick and thin and after endless observation of how they think and feel, it is not too bad really, you just have to connect the right way with them though there are some that will remain steadfast in wanting you dead...but thats not a problem...go through that every day of my life really...only that you must once in a while play your cards so that you too can be that far we ll go ..its up to you we seemed to say..but then thats that lot here and for better or chalking my eleventh year time flies ..
I must say..i came in here in less than welcomed way, practically had everyone on my back and my assessment, i did two major things wrong here when i came in....i acted like this was the high flying colourful telco industry and that i walked in with dato's chip and reputation.....on both accounts...get a life elsewhere guy..they seemed to be saying..haha.....on the contrary ...they run things very conservatively and meticulously here plus they have always been the "anak tiri" of Sapura Holdings and being that most of us here are poor compared to other high flying Sapura Personnels...some of the spending and arrogant behaviours at the Mines just isnt tolerated here...but thats how it was and how it is,so the recent MBO plans by Management here would be good for both sides , no loved lost..its just business what they seemed to say...
But looking back, i wasnt supposed to be here they thought i couldnt understand what they were up to, and second..instructions down were to make me look live eat work like a freaking moron so we can ask his family to take him out....this was their "sincerity" in giving me an opening here...looking back at Puan Sri s words..they gonna catch you and put you away for a long time which they did actually confirmed the suspicion , now i understand why this supposedly "ultra religious" out fit cannot say a decent word or adjective about me like any other corporate persons..their role was supposed to kill me fast and i overly overstayed and that aint good news to the top at all...funny thinking this was a " user friendly" entity...told you after Puan Sris death..evil seeps in by the "truck load"haha...
Ok...enough of personal attack like them..lets stick to business.The MD then, En Shah at his first meet with me, had a tough time fitting me in the organizational structure ...hmm...graduated in Finance but worked mostly in Sales and Marketing.....ours here a bit different ...we OE based sales you know...after a while you ll catch up...dont worry he said...i smiled..answered Insyallah En my heart ..little did he know i was also at a famous OE outfit, Matsushita Industrial where we OEd for over 32 brands in air condition sales worldwide..finally he configured me into NBD 1 encompassing Sapura Industrial Bangi and Ungku Shamer ..NBD 2...taking care of ASC etc in Wangsa Maju.....
By the way,NBD is really marketing, job specs said to constantly produce branding and communication materials for the firm with an outsourced entity if value added , so from continously sponsoring ads i personally did for Protons Peroduas materials, i tried to help out in sales as well, keep it to automotives, En shah said and i did.
But one thing i was thankful to En Shah, he constantly asked me into his office as to debrief me further of things here as he saw i had a tough time fitting in.Only one thing i remembered well of his advice which was matter how bad things get, stand your grounds....through intuitive messaging...a lot of people want you dead here..understand...especially your so called "relatives". Roger that ..En Shah... i was after all street trained...nothing new at all ...from my standpoint.
But the Management was quick to pull En Shah back into the old fray...biar laa ..penageh tuu hidop sendiri...Doc said..and before long ...the MD too became an antagonist i should also leave here soon ...matiii weii.. i thot ..but as things really wont get better elsewhere as they keep cutting me off at all angles from the outside world.. i had to persevere ..this was after all Sapura too..some divine intervention had to help me out here somehow...and alhamdulilla.. eleventh year..not too shabby ehh...well ...i could be them!!..hehe..
So , in really wanting me to learn the regions automotive industry, the MD sent me to Bangkok with Azmi Haron,
accidentally met Dato Shahriman on the way out and his shocked look why i was there..when explained by En Shah of my trip to Bangkok..Dato went...u sure??...signifying this guy just got out of prison...Bangkok??..for his relief..disaster...sure ..the night life was not left unattended, but the days duties were also never neglected, this seminar saw some of the best consultants , carmakers , vendors throwing points at the industry... i finally asked this Frost Sullivans malay chap...your views on Protons move at this unattractive time...push price further down on vendors like be prepared to play..
Back at the office, my slice with the MD began..Give me the report in i thought its best i submitted all the materials i had...then he stormed back at me...u nak i buat apa ngan semuer niii..??...just a 2 pager will do ..he said blur ..i a 2 page report was done...not to specs of SIB Norini showed me a copy...exacted the same, he kept quiet ..the next thing he told me was after 2 months...prepare for the OIC show..get in touch with Mines...
Better than calling..i attended 3 meetings there i think...listened to Communications on all plans ,lay outs, requirements, finally had to present to them what we had in mind...and it was agreed unanimously then and there..SIB was to showcase a wired like transparent car maybe a popular Proton model with lights in the car and our parts placed where they should , other things like brochures, interactive softwares were add bad..the lights were not there due to cin cai work of the sub work from the agency, got an earful from Norina, but En Shahs ...mana ada kita punya cam ni...made me wanting to say...with that budget..thats as good as it gets...then COO s challenge he could have done all that under 10 k ...sparked war by the Management on me...and i officially then had a boss from hell..Doc Sam..
He was maybe puppetted more by my relatives more than the Management here , of which , some were colleagues at UKM and maybe of the top echelon so everything i did under him then was rubbish bound.Some i must say were pretty nice unique with vast potentials..First with regret to go was an opportunity by Frost Sullivans in 2003 to Sponsor WRC MALAYSIAN leg for only RM 4 million ...surely.. doc.. i went... congak bodoh on tv..merchandising, ticketing already double that...naa..already let Shah looked at it..not interested!!..for a week i was too distraught , never actually wanted anyone else to get that ..hehe...what an idiot i would have been snapped up like hot cake even if i marked it up to 6m..then through Amir Majids uncle being Director at JPJ, we proposed to them that ASC become the one and only Authorized Conversion Workshop for Proton with JPJs other words ..everything we do to get an extra 50 bhp or more was legal....naaa...Doc said...ASC got no specialty..and so the skirmishes happened, from getting about 3 or 4 show cause letters , one on not calling from Kelantan for EL when i did, my confirmation postponed twice, or twelve months, only when i was transferred to Audit after a surgery at Pantai, Encek Shah sent a note to head of Audit Puan Adilah, please confirm him first before anything gonna get u doc..i said in my heart ..hehe
But before my transfer to a place where i was going to be the laughing stalk or at most , his finding will be like there are big stones on the road soo beware..haha...there was one last job for Marketing and that i was to help out the Kwai lo consultant on Holdings branding which was to interview Proton and Perodua CEO..Proton was as always we dropped questionaires they returned thankfully and having known Dato Syed Zainal from his Cupid FC playing days and younger clubbing days , he obliged quite kindly.He was very diplomatic of SIB s role at Perodua knowing this was a branding exercise.But he kept ascertaining that Sapura was getting complacent and the bigger the work load they gave the more they "slept".. not in those words but to that effect, but in the end, which had the consultant sat up, he said , as long Sapura was in this game, he will continuously assist them for one and one reason only..Dato Shahril..He then answered a few more questions of formality. said goodbye and that was the last time i saw him til Gulf Petroleum s Nite of awards at PICC , then all set to take on Felda.
So it was Audit then , a place i was so expected to fail, as by now, the company knew i was useless at figures, conjuring sentences were a better bet.If not failing , then my work will be so out of substance, i might as well do the reporting from the execs like clerks.But , this o tai...was not going to let the opportunity at being the centre of all companys secrets go to sirrreee bob...another motive then..just heard that VW wanted three things from Proton..CEO,CFO and Audit.
But i was a good start there because Puan Adilah wanted me to learn more than anything else...remember..we re not finding faults...we re mitigating i had on job training ...while she let me have the easy ones first at our and health,MIS, HR were nice to start with, before that the configuration of ratios , i remembered , totally bombed one to some ridiculous numbers until a senior member of Audit Committee and Directors wanted immediate resignation..hehe..that was funny..and poor Puan ..had to console Audit Committee i was green...New is he..asked the sharp accounting brains of En Shah Hakim. then he shouldnt be doing this... just observing and learning...i remembered Puan telling me of that earful..En Shah just looked in disbelief...hehe
But Puan overall , was no Audit Head.Being in Production, Accounts before that, her task was just to comply and solve issues , no real fireworks were on display...didnt know what she stumbled upon though, as made GM of Hr almost immediately...which paved way for En Rashidi to the helm of Audit, now...this was an Auditor that will take no prisoners, and i think he was so good at his job at SIB , someone had to offer him more than double to leave.
But this guy,best that came around here, no doubts about that.
But meantime i was getting good at my job and findings were getting to be a bit more serious,at ASC ,i uncovered double stock take , unpaid down payment whisked away by the staff, i uncovered SAI had no manufacturing license for 30 years, SAI GMs delayed paying back tactics of personal loan, yes i was becoming nightmare to everyone..hehe..
But nothing were close to my Audit Heads expose on Doc..his over blown r&d budget all the time were never uncovered till now, his transportation costs related to moving from metal formers to cirri tegap at RM 50 over thousands got us asking ..pindah ke London Doc....then his trip to Korea on full courtesy from Sharit but nothing back in return,but giving him a STC card, finally made short of his stay there.I felt bad but he drew the gun much earlier on me before, i just shot back,and like i said , i felt really bad but better the card than others which was easily qualified as CBT, but more to that, his incapacitated ways of running Schulz made sure he was out,never mind the Management bungled big time on the having the same buyer and seller being Schulz , but a bigger blow, there was blood money flowing at Schulz then as a Pakcik was killed in an accident about to tell Management the Germans had a similar ongoing operating plant nearby.Back to Doc, being SGM , he was drawing RM 18k easy a month , was there a need to indulge in other income just as substantial..just because the Management was under his little fingers...that was what Audit was gunning for..thats all..and that bully attitude just because you were big, of seniority is so out of style in corporate bully is enough in the group i think
Doc was so arrogant at one time when we went to STC entrance meeting..we there all by ourselves , talking to ourselves like derainged persons.....and the problem was that Audit was so trivial to him, it made us become personal on him. Not like that was the most fancy period in SIB as we were closing companies as fast as when we were opening them.Just admired of SIB s range of companies in completion of the Automotive forum, Audit was now needed to submit reports on foreclosures of ASC,Isencorp,Cirri tegap,Metal Formers, SBT Gurun Sapura Schulz, at reporting time still in limbo state of things.
My managers after that were Puan Hanizah, Puan Norbayah and En Nik Lukman, ASC was closed due to mainly lack of sales in servicing, seeing we had thousands of corporate cars and easily 6000 employee market, we just did not have it, then while stocks were double placed and taken , the rent in excess of 60 k , sealed the deal. Isencorp did not survive because it lacked sales,parts and others were badly monitored, Cirri Tegap due to mismanagement of the JV parties and that SIB was the only one packing in the investment, end products to Proton failed miserably,then Metal Formers were in continuous state of being in new business, that Cirri Tegap move last straw, now its debts was carried over by IASB thankfully all RM 3 Million settled.SBT Gurun was due to GMs minimal time there ,maybe too quick after opening SBT Bangi, its Reversed Sales after PO coupled with stocks issues, made it a cold end in a hot plant. Schulz we just being made monkeys off. Being the buyer and seller only we are supposed to follow, three or four times the orders came down , manufactured but not taken up as sales, saw an end to this potentially delightful deal.
Going through each and every company here, SMCs main problem then was the response to submit quotation..Roslan Zaharis delay of up to 8 months sometimes kind of made mockery of our stay in the market,delayed overseas quoting , lack of coordinated parties reasons given, some because we were just not interested or our commitments were full, to Audits recommendation we should have told them as it was.
One manufacturing staff not being able to claim on his sons medical condition because brain scanning was not in the medical plan we covered was sadly lost by Audit, others were more aggressive ways to hedge foreign funds, some parts written not produced by manufacturing had me and Hezrey asking ...ko nak gadoh ngan Hamdan lagi ker..x yahh..but no mater what scrap due to its weightage considerations can never be solved precisely by Audit...until i heard a Senior voice ...biar ahhh...budak kita makan...R n D needs more beefing up,last i worked here they were going for bigger product differentiation ..
SAI , by Audits reckoning, next one to bite the dust. I think , at Auditing years i was there, they had about 6 or 7 managers, all revolving around the same problems...manufacturing deficiency that saw outsourced of other interests , stocks shrinkage, constant thefts and raids on the office, problematic relations with AASSB, low morale.
SBT , surprisingly stocks issues were low, transportation costs heightened by different companies now concern , maybe internal interests now complicate things further, being major earner in the group now, everything else looks good.
AASSB..issues of stocks missing in transportation to SAI , my "non response" from Siti Nur on Accounts and HR previously even had the MDs intervention, but then En Adnans way of running this tight ship then has no cause of complain.
SIB ....Yaz Yahya 's corporate phone brand changed from Motorolla to Samsung was raised, and as luck would have it ,that Yati,the Accounts Executive told us at Executive Meeting there was a discrepancy fees of over RN 30,000 in headhunting fees led me to nearly pin the wrongdoer,but alas, their weight so much stronger as before the reveal was done, D8 made sure i saw 16 months of ceiling and cells,vowed to myself, never will i be in Audit Again..coz in the end ...mahal rantai dari berok!!...hehe.. was my holiday at Pusat Serenti went?..well on the good side..there was this saying...kalu jantan betol ...maii sini laa..but now my response would be...ssorite remain pongdang..wakakaka
But being Second Gen or the return of the Mummy at this place had its slight vantage was that counsellors officers knew you so getting a fag or two is no problem and that some were your First Gen inmates , so at most, you have your small network incorporated.Well ...after six years, those with talents like musical backgound absorbed into being staffs and thought you can trust them with your only two thousand bucks..the saying never ttrust anyone relating to drugs is very true...let it be inmates officers staffs ..even counselors..but then my family or rather my past family is drugs free rite...and they would sell their mums at the slightest chance to be ahead..hehe...
But anyway, hauled up because UT in Brickfields,planned by the family, but my feeling its more due to the return of the hot date i had that Friday night with Princepessa , spent the first 6 days in solitary confinement aka lock up, smoked ate slept shat there with 7 other inmates..if unlucky 15 at that small place, befitting only for animals, some had marks of suicide few cannot stand this inhumane way of 6 hours was spent in tears , mainly i knew i d lose everything from jobs, new BMW,what little possessions i had,my face value as a father to a daughter getting to be so smart by the minute, most of all, time with my late dad i knew death was already stalking him.How others i depended on to turn around this situation was a real let down , especially at their jokes and laughter telling me id never leave this place, with ties like that who needs them rite..better off being dead or alone.
Okay ..admittedly noone wants to have a drug related family member at home. But ,from my count there then, most were forcibly thrown into the Centre because they stole everything at sight, 'ragot" to the extent it killed people because they were so high doing it, some even went to beat their mums senselessly because they couldnt get supply, and all of them were destitutely poor, yes these were the right target group of inhabitants, but if you know your "bro' was at it since 17 in the US, nothing much of extremes occured at home except wild parties,even at a respectable job at that matter, you knew caging him in at this point of time only spells one thing...we re taking over your right to inheritance,id wished a cleverer way was thought of thats all.Even nobler, but with this lot, its got to be done the scum way, i guess.
Please dont get me wrong..its not that i am advocating the use of drugs, but as it stands, of the 6 billion people in the world 3 billion are drug users, recreationally or addicted we have to recognize.We are after all in the way forward to a more sophisticated society,looking at the West as one of the things we absorb into the country.But as we want to change in totality , everything must be in tandem or there will be misfits and majority left behind if some issues like drug taking is not looked at.Thats why in the West,drug users are only punishable by fines or summonses, but at those in possession over 50 g, you are deemed selling and punishable 8 to 10. Hanging is unheard of as those raking in the orphans funds , so to speak, is more of a greater offense and should be hanged more.5 times more.
Then, more often than not like its happening to me, most mis use this law to "flush' the last of their enemies and while their opportunity to gain at this persons "demise" , his career, reputation,family,even wives i heard are lost out to this unruly perpetrators,is it fair and continuosly done,all good men will be gone and the country filled with rich crooks and thieves. Not all drug effects are put to criminal use, some use it brilliantly in studies as i have encountered by ivy league scholars in Boston ie Harvard,MIT etc..and those that use them to work well..FYI the PM of UK and President of US are admttedly drug users, dontmsee the slightest scum trait there..and my first joint was smoked with Dato Mirzan Mahathir in Knightsbridge,London cortesy of Farid and Abang Din...all of whom scaled the world because their parents the other pesky relatives..And other corporateers socialites , why not UT all..BOZOS?!
Speaking of my old friend in Wales...Farid..whom i last met the Saidina Abu Bakar mosque on his birthday last year..when i was first release into common grounds of capture my stay in De my first night there...i dreamt so clearly his late mother, Auntie Bibah ..came to me ..looking smiling..but never said a tears i pleaded to her..please auntie...please..tell my mum get me out of here...and while she nodded smiled..i was smacked to my dream...she is dead!..and woke up on the floor perspiring..that was how my intense connection with the dead from that scum place..andthe other after my dad just died and i had to return came to me in 3 nights asking me to help him..i didnt say anything but signalled me to dig him up as he was still alive...that was after a month so the satanic existence at that grateful dead place was real...and for the life of me i even asked mum ..if she had spent millions on my education but finally wanted that place to be my final destination...why bother even sending me to school...of which she just answered ..we want you to get well....get sicker and more of a screwed up human being was more what was becoming to me and that was what they wanted so i have no right asking for my share of i said..if this was the typical Islamic family thinking...i d rather pray to stones.
Before i deliberate more of my stay at Club Mad here in Persada Sungai Besi...let me explain some of the fundamentals they tried to implement here.......What they tried to do as part of recovery program for addicts here was a US based ...NY state i think it was..theory called Therapeutic Community .. of which everything you did there was a merit or demerit in the eyes of your peers.More of punitive ways in reminding you that you are here as an inmate , they would impose anything from sitting on chairs in isolation to your usual garbage man , gardeners, other hard chore labours they see fit.All these from the eyes of other inmates or selected "officials" from that pool of inmates prefects in school...they thus have special privilleges like cutting class, smoking abok freely or become runners of drugs or other contrabands in the Centre..Dwelling further on these, there are firstly 2 groups in existence amongst inmates. First was the House ..which is made up of the Head of the House..aka Chief, then Department Heads,(kitchen,landscapping,for example)Ramrods (their assistances) GMs (group makers) and the rest of the others as commoners.This segment is about the Chief in his role as the leader that gives ultimate protection to his people and try to defend then from all type of assault from the Floor which is comprised of Shingles and Expediators..Shingle being the most fearsome is known as the bastard of the house as he has powers to run (scold) loudly at anyone he likes, plays inflammatory roles like messing uo the dorms,totally anhilate the kitchen or even turn the surau upside down.(this act was however brought to higher justice as surau was deemed a holy place and a DMZ) So a Shingle was supposed to test your patience to the max, and you must not react in violent , at most you report him , but they always get away with it being an official.Next thing you do , you let your anger out at this Encounter session where you can just scream in anger about anything anyone that you were not satisfied with , but at all Encounters you must stay away from looks,religion , race ..just his bad habits.or intolerable ways as your eyes see fit.Again,Shingles were always called up, but their non chalant ways see a personal encounter at other times.And Expediators are that their charges.In a day, they are needed to have 30 bookings at least.
Of need to be a posissi (position) in your desired quick ticket out of here or that to go down to a more relaxed based for seniors or better known as Re Entry...thus, everyone was given a chance at these possissi s...and mine was Ramrod laundry,Expediator,Department Head Landscapping, Chief, Group Maker. ..all those in relevant to your length of time at the Centre. But as quickly you get to be a are the subject of immediate downfall by others including stay as Chief only lasted a week i personal vendetta by a staff got me out for letting the kitchen staff out early at wrap up session..and this was a normal GM being a senior position, one that inculcates grouping for sessions, was also in brief as i had to write in to go down to Re Entry after a hell of 10 months up here ...Department Head LS was privilege to smoke at the gardens,Expediator: only coz i liked threatening those at the toilets for free smoke,then there was morning meetings,where we were supposed to speak in public about an array of topics or mindless faults of the inmates, summarize the falsafahs,to end with some musical type or hiburan session.Break,Counselling,Lunch,Prayers,More Sessions, Sports,Eat,Pray,Wrap Up ,Smoke,Eat Maggi,Sleep,awake at 5.30 am before the cycle starts again. What i disagree here was that this was a programme inculcated in the US and the inhabitants are professionals that pay a lot to be here, thus , they take this honestly and seriously at their addiction and work hard and practical at achieving their goals.But here, you send a Counsellor to attend the Induction Programme, one that can hardly communicate in English nor the American ways,thus a lot of the missing puzzle was steemed at the program.Zero Recovery and no matter how the other Abangs came back in their ties and fancy cars talking to us about how good they were doing outside being drug free... i looked hard in their eyes and said...weii..mamat...nii aku ahh...bapak dadah ponb aku da buat maser umor 17 tahon kat US tau x..wakakaka... Thus it was all one big act or charade by the addicts , most to serve their sentences, just to return as fast they got out back there. Not to mention, the staffs and counsellors have their own personal pick of slaves , this rehab thing , good of intention only becomes the biggest and easiest market to supply more driugs and contraband at a higher price.Back to my point, let smokers be as it they are,catch them on more harsher crimes,zero in on the "manufacturers". But they cant do that too often , becaiuse these players wil greet them with M16 and such.Time has come you cant do much about drug users, leave them be, like darwins survival of the fittest theory, they will o.d stay weaker and perish.Why worry and why take 3 b away when you can use that to so much more of a good use.Yup...time has come for us to be rational and not emotional about Malays..if they die...they die. the 5th month,15th total .. at Re Entry, us ..addict graduates were allowed to work ..and hold maybe RM 5 cash a day...most of my peers opted for guards, dishwashers, anything hard laboured but pays cash instantly,due to my mums "contributions" while i was baju puteh...i was allowed to bring in my Ford opted to be Copywriter at Andaikalaraj Communications at Damasara Perdana , and went for the interview a day before dad back a call from them, really surprised that Dato Beatrice who had a big heart amongst others hehe..called me to say she was taken aback i wrote i had to leave early as dad was dying offered me to do ad sales right after, Copywrite not quite there yet though i imagine it was the strings of corporate experiences i wrote in my CV.So sales, it was and easily , this was the hardest RM 2200 should have been RM 3500 ..i ever. made.
But it was a good pre Sapura Work routine as Sales was grinded to the ground everyday til 830 pm .You see, we were selling pages of a business magazine called Business Review ..and a ladys lifestyle one called Vanity i think..Being so long since real info came about..i cherished these moments of endless infos i was getting and blessed that real perspectives of the Corporate world was made accessible.Then , i knew what a bunch of fakers and misfits the counsellors were at the Centre. While they should be supportive of our attempt at making money again...calls came in blasting my office i was actually an inmate on parole and others that would scare any employer off their chairs.More so because even Sales people are trained there to meet corporate decision makers or governments department heads, so having these addict inmates running around representing them was unheard of. But i think it was dad helping out , Vanity was closing in on Habib Jewels , and as she knew i was always trying to get into the Communication Heads pants, she finally gave me the account because i was i ...and that Japanese dinner i promised her never came till now..sawree..Deen...insyallah in Japan oneday kot..hehe...So..addict o not...the company had to stick with me..Then another break i thought came in at Syabas..but the pretty face of their Comm was all that i got...Pretty good at what she does...Balqish..confirmed the account then insisted on some F1 tickets .. i said..a done deal if signed..thinking i was raw...the whole thing fizzled as the office was raring and pumping to go...time to leave i guess...pestered En Sheridan for that Re entry into Sapura..and there greeting me was the ever attractive Elani then Puan and MSJ,MRM ,HSM at SMC s meeting room...the date first April and job function Market Analyst came messages ..u wont be here long mate...but at reporting time...chalking up 4 th year ..alhamdulilla...
But for that thirty days at Andaikalaraj .. i knew how the publication mechanism works, from copy write, editing, printing , selling and even e magazine.. i was already an expert in , so timely and relevant i hope i could bring in these invaluable experiences to ProRide th e magazine...launching real soon .. ..insyallah..i also learnt that best exposures if you gave complimentary copies to decision makers, corporate heads, place them at high value added places like airlines, airports,MATRADE offices etc...then the minority amount sell..not so much hoping the incomes from there but from the ad space by now at least 60,000 people would already know..printings rule of thumb ..every...issue gets at least 3 audiences/.u only need 20,000 prints really, and from an e mail blast of 300,000 pax a month..this was still the business for ultimate brading.But at the Centre..its just as good being a Chee..hehe...
Again, the reason for writing this is that we all can live normally without the Drug User Act and being addict or no, it is your choice in life and if you choose to go ahead with it, why make the rest of us pay for that. I mean , break the law , you go in but at this law, you will go in regardless at the ill intent of other people's greed and cruelty , while its fragile and dangerous , our lawmakers should seriously look at abolishing this one. Twice , i was asleep and reported by my lowlife relatives next door i was a hard core drug addict thief and an intruder at THEIR home..and twice i was hauled in and as sure as god with his mistress, i tested positive ..this was a week or two before that when i smoked with some whores.So presently i live alone with all my lights and curtain windows open, just in case theyd try that for desperation for my car house and things...if these are not bangsats ..what are they.
Then there are the unscrupulous authorities mostly i heard that of AADK where most junior recruits are that of senior addicts turned good it seems. And the officers much worse. While most force female addicts for free sex , the more scrupulous ones demand money and assets from wealthy parents for safety of their drug using children. I still remember being Chief at the centre, i was stationed at the place for visiting , there was this Sikh person slapping hard the younger in mate brother, shouting...what was going through your mind?~!this is the last place any civilized person come for RECOVERY!..and that sent tears in my eyes wishing that was the thoughts of my family...having no longer any parents, he depended on his brother and sister for help.. you see, the younger brother, as the inmate with me then, accepted a job in Singapore back then , registered with the 2 weeks de tox programme to get rid of his methadone addiction , but the evil of the AADK officer , he gave him a reveling 2 years instead , but as luck would have it , he got Puan Chang my counselor, she made sure it was only 2 months. But regardless, this law is abused wide and plenty ..but if what i heard of Tun Mahathirs advice by the late King Fahd on his visit to KSA after the Annuar debacle..we have endless to worry here of abused law using...what the King said...u know..Tun...if KSA were to impose the sodomy act on our Ministers here...KSA would have no government!..Trust me..wakakakaka..
Back to work related...the adage if the going gets too good...there can only be calamity ahead. This was what greeted me at International Autoparts S/B. Market analyst , offer letter first April 2010...Encik Helmi , COO, first quirked at the Intro Meeting...x der tarikh lain ker?..messaging intuitively to me, watch your step here..filled with landmines.I acknowledged hard in the heart..yup..this gonna be one hard battle again.
Then i can still remember ...the ever smiling En Ruslan Mispan,SGM here then should be lucky to be here analyst means if you think its a no at the International Market then its a no go for all of us..hehehe...Bull shit i thought then and to that it holds water after i got confirmation at the GMs room after that what this job spec means i was supposed to go to as many parts centre, workshops in KL asking for prices related to our products in disguise not wearing Sapura uniform.This early they did not want me in association with them...Melayu..melayu...x habis habis dengan PHD korang ...pengkhianat hasrat dengki!
The bigger picture..they knew i wouldnt be doing that price searching all the time..what id do was head over to Setiabakti 8 wit da Tuns son for that good to launch...NASA..then wham!..da fish ate the bait again...but after 16 months of training...this fish turned into a mean ass piranha..small but by the love of your ketiak itll eat u up..hehe..then like rampant ones here especially in Crest , they d enjoy the salary of da arwah endlessly...and to that my rebuttal was dream on..told hr...have problems with bank receive cash cheque please on the 24th...
I mean...the whole thing smelled like a dogs arse even before you hit the NS have 25 active distributors and asking current market price for what...??..forgot this was Salleh Jani mann..this guy has properties more than Tan Sri I think and so scared of his wife knowing , he had his virgin secretary lover married a gay ex staff for the last 6 years she was here until recently...this was an open secret and tabligh o not..accepted by everyone here which sparked that curiosity in me, finally figured out ...ohhh..theres a big business here st SIB ..lets just keep it amongst us and away from that family or relations...where we can kill we you see leaving at 230 pm or 930 am is above all laws as ...they cant stop me coz they themselves bigger asses that i know and all those closed companies were signals to Mines...we in charge here.. capische...we close any god damn thing we want..including your coffins.
This guy was Puan Sris funeral, i remembered him coming to the then Dato saying takziah ..Dato..boleh laa Tan Sri cari kan mak baru..haha...fearless or crazed i m not going to dwell here...but as i told the meeting of reasons i want transfer to A&P , everything was on the downtrend. Being the PR here, i should be on the first flight out to China to check our new supplier , my cleverly worded caption to our new Rn D centre would have convinced every one but till now, even the office boy has been there..not that i cared as Europe was fine with me..hehe...but it sparked cold war to many skirmishes i reported , my plan is to stay and hold the fort, this pussy money all its good for as i see it, stays.
But behind the Japanese trained mind...theres always profit oriented in the dubious way ..One ..he had access to TanSri seeing TanSri signed the letter of support for my Re Entry here....and to that.. that bi polar has to listen to him ...second..he has control on my mum seeing she holds the Power of Attorney for all of us, he can manipulate me to be a zero in my remaining life, adjectives like your sons illiterate a common trait to all of us by now..but alhamdulilah at reporting time so far, not enough zeroes yet is a good sign telling him .. lets play..BUCKO!.
By this act of personal interest supported by the Management will only see the days of end here and thats good as at least i can collect VSS for all the dead end streets i had to face here everyday.Only in second month.. i brought IASB to Spancos Management as Tan Sri Robert Tan and the sister Alice Tan were known to the family even before i was in standard three..dads post in Trade got him an AP for Makita Power tools and after that never looked back even owning Pavilion and Gardens at Mid Valley as we speak..and true to his words ..he will recognoze my dads friendship eternally my mum a company car every three years or so...more malay than malays and not quite chineseaschinese this Tan Sri Robert..Anyway..Spanco came back with easy manipulation we can afford to clinch the deal, his spitting after the meeting at their premises told me to wanting to tell him ...Kalau diorang ni lagi bagos dari ko ker Sapura ker ...ko nak wat aper...wakakakaka..
But different strokes for different folks...but logically looking at all measures and past fights of the government to mildly balance out the inferior bumi status to that of a chinese..the awarding of this Spanco of such a niche market does have its bitterness effect on us Malays..But thats Tun Daim for you...i am master and i do whats right for me no matter colour race or religion...UBAH ..seems a logical choice if this persists..
Okay ..there were other serious attempts to "boost" sales from the corners of the AnP desk based at Sapura Machining. Mr Pang and Kazura were supposed to recommend other distributors as third party representing us in capturing the Spanco market..although this issue was brought up for 8 weeks running, it still drew blanks as word down was to 'forget' this deal i guess. The ego of two giants came in play from my assessments, and that happened too many times here , in the end just wasted the ground soldiers time in initiating what could have been a great deal.Then , another fallout with Pahang Royalty that nearly ensured our products on their State cars, but nominal sum as compared to his other deals , cause, we moved on without a big one on EndUser account yet. Sepangs Limo failed, RIGHTS Koperasi failed, IASB has to look seriously at its B TO C policies for it to be more lethal and effective.
Then a break of an unlikely place seemed to swing in our favour. The original model was based on our proposal to Proton before Dato Syed retired . The First tier OE Vendors to Proton sometime ago disagreed viciously that DRB and other TSMs companies monopolised the components market at Proton now that it belonged to them.At the very least, let others have the RE market instead of just Proton Edar, our proposal to Dato Syed before his retirement went silent. Perodua , seeing , how volatile and sensitive the decline of the parts industry at the moment, Perodua then came in with this second tier parts programme that allows their customers to opt for more affordable parts with "just as good" quality, especially if it came from Sapura.So as of now, that was our lifeline so badly needed, we however need much more just to be comfortable.
For one thing, the Perodua account created better unity amongst staffs and high liners here. Most of all , it gave us a more satisfying retrospective of our product , while that even with child parts and some fabrication came from China, our steadfast Technical Centres Engineers are very much on top of their game and that our facilities at Pandamaran are still first tier materials. In fact, when i mentioned this business tie ups with a contemporary at KGNS whom also deals with China recently, obviously hes also in the automotive first tier business, he quirked, where have you been laa...almost 90% of parts now stem from China, only rubber ones we do laa..Yazli..wakakakaka..Cmon do your bid to assist the Malaysian Vendors that have been by your side since day ONE .. three decades ago.
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