...on flashback...before 2010...all events ..be it seminars,sports,open house,icc,etc..here were organized by interim committees..headed by chairperson of the GM usually..i remembered back in 2008..just before my capture,i was seconded to raya committee,chairman Salleh Jani.. and my partner Norm,main duty then,we were asked to find entertainment i think..however,bout this time of raya ,a few days before the event, we went for food tasting at the building near here,Sam,a fellow committee came up to me n in a sad voice told me..brader..kau jaga diri baik baik tau..jangan rakus nohh kat sini..sebab xde siapa yang kisah pasal kau..semuanya nak menyusahkan kau..jaga diri tau...me, being me, took little notice said..weii..jom enjoy raya kat ofis nanti laa..ko nii pasal...thatday after..he died...fell and knocked his head on the stairs because his knee was fractured ..me two weeks after...captured for 16 months...soo as i am still here and just talked to Norm about it..alfatiha..Sam..semoga ko berada bersama orang solih soliha sehendaknya insyallah..i went for the sembahyang jenazah at the mosque here in Bangi and as his coffin passed me..i swear i heard..terima kasih...from inside...no no nokia 2333 ringing o wat eva..hehe
...on flashback...before 2010...all events ..be it seminars,sports,open house,icc,etc..here were organized by interim committees..headed by chairperson of the GM usually..i remembered back in 2008..just before my capture,i was seconded to raya committee,chairman Salleh Jani.. and my partner Norm,main duty then,we were asked to find entertainment i think..however,bout this time of raya ,a few days before the event, we went for food tasting at the building near here,Sam,a fellow committee came up to me n in a sad voice told me..brader..kau jaga diri baik baik tau..jangan rakus nohh kat sini..sebab xde siapa yang kisah pasal kau..semuanya nak menyusahkan kau..jaga diri tau...me, being me, took little notice said..weii..jom enjoy raya kat ofis nanti laa..ko nii pasal...thatday after..he died...fell and knocked his head on the stairs because his knee was fractured ..me two weeks after...captured for 16 months...soo as i am still here and just talked to Norm about it..alfatiha..Sam..semoga ko berada bersama orang solih soliha sehendaknya insyallah..i went for the sembahyang jenazah at the mosque here in Bangi and as his coffin passed me..i swear i heard..terima kasih...from inside...no no nokia 2333 ringing o wat eva..hehe
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