But god being god, he has other 'happiness" for you even if you might have abstained totally from the month of Ramadhan. You see, at this late day and age, what is going to pull you through at doomsday, is your kind deeds and hearts, your sincere being to other human beings, no matter how hard you prayed and the likes, the former will be your stalwart to heaven, as again at this late day and age, humans are so full of deception,hate and evil its amazing we get by each day unscathe.
So, my joy, at least for this year, is that i am after all, not that big of a buffoon as they call me to be,if i want to be good, i can be real good..and if i want to be bad,there are limitations..but really, circumstances have revealed there are far worse people out there, and god in timely fashion revealing these phony babboons to the poor families that been conned all this while, for me,was high heavens to say the least!my belief, if you are at any time a lesser being than the one you condemn in deeds action and goodwill, please shut up, as gods great at any time and place,only you have to be a decent person at all times, thats all.You cannot possibly handle the wrath....or maybe you can, and that you are regarded as the lowest living being just escape your understanding of things, and that is the absolute worst, that of being casted away by god.
So instead of pulling people down with you, help them up as you should to your oath to the government,or job specs,the difference of happiness helping you .. might just be there.Or just resign .You are not fit to be helping anyone, but yourself.So spare the agency and government the embarrassment and disgrace.
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