Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Prinsip Dinamika Pekerja..

Kehebatan Otak Manusia...Setiap sel otak mempunyai kapasiti seperti satu komputer besar ..yang mampu menampung paling minima 300 kemahiran..

Membina dan mengekalkan fikiran positif...tukar fokus..fokus kepada yang positif...senantiasa cari emas...jangan bertangguh tangguh...bentuk sikap bersyukur dan berterima kasih...jauhi pengaruh negatif...

Perubahan secara emosi...lakukan setiap kegiatan dengan bersemangat...Mesti ceria setiap masa..Mesti ada passion...hindari stress...sonyum sokmo!

Perubahan secara Sosial..Senantiasa cari kawan yang baru...tingkatkan hubungan di tempat berkerja..tingkatkan hubungan di rumah...tingkatkan hubungan dalam masyarakat...

Perubahan secara rohani...Solat..Zikir...Istighfar...Membaca Al quran...Belajar Agama..Belajar al Quran..Amar Makruf..Menghidupkan sunah sunah harian...Bersedekah...Puasa Sunat...

Lebih Ilmu dari orang lamin dan terus belajar..
Lebih tekun komited berbanding orang lain
Lebih sanggup berkorban
Lebih global berjiwa besar
Lebih besar jaringan sahabat
Lebih solat dan berdoa
Lebih banyak memberi dengan ikhlas
Lebih pemaaf memohon maaf satun hati
Lebih kreatif ..banyakkan berfikir luar otak..
Lebih redha dan bersyukur..
Lebih seimbang dan laukan yang terbaik..
Lebih berdikari dan sifat kepunyaan yang tinggi
Lebih professional dan ada semangat untuk terus wujud!

9 AT: niat,lihat,ingat,semangat,buat,dapat,berkat,hakikat,tabiat...awat!???haha

Perubahan Secara Mental....

*Selagi kita takut untuk membuat sesuatu yang luar biasa...sekagi itulah kita terperangkap dalam zon selesa  yang di belenggui kegagalan..
*Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang luarbiasa,usahalah secara LUARBIASA..
*Seseorang yang mempunyai 2 hari yang tidak berbeza ...pasti akan menemui kegagalan...apatah lagi 16 bulan..HAHA!..
*Ubah kaedah bertidak..Ubah amalan Harian..Ubahlah cra berdoa..Ubah kan rutin yang asik menemui krgagalan..dan yamg penting..BERSEDIA INTUK BEKERJA DENGAN BERSUNGGUH SUNGGUH..
*Tiada perubahan yang tidak penting..walaupun sebesar zahrah!
*Kita tidaj akan mengubah kehidupan klita sehingga kita mengubah keterbiasaan kita..
Jika kita buat perubahan yang mudah..yang kecil setiap hari...dan jika kita istiqamah memajukan diri kita setiap hari..past kita dapat mengubah kualiti kehidupan kita dengan cemerlangnya...
*Programkan Perubahan Dalam Minda:
Gambarkan sebelum tidur,Tulisdan lihat selalu,sebut selalu,doa

Pekerja Cemerlang Sentiasa mencari dan peka kepada titik perubahan..

Titik Perubahan..
baca buku,dengar kaset,suasana baru,ilham dari allah,mendapat musibah,pengetahuan baru,pengalaman baru,di nasihat,di biarkan,di rangsang,si kaunselling,hadir kursus HJ HANIM??wakakaka..
*Seimbangkan perubahan mental,Emosi,Fizikal,Sosial dan Rohani...

Transformasi Diri Pekerja Terbilang..

*Belakang parang di asah lagikan tajam
*Di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada kejayaan..
*Salah satu sifat yang terpenting orang yang CEMERLANG adalah kebolehan mereka mendorong diri untuk BERTINDAK..
*Fikir secara Positif..
*Kita merupakan natijah dari apa yang kita fikirkan tentangdiri kita..
*Kalau kita mahu menjadi manusia cemerlang...jangan sesekali fikirkan tentang kegagalan..
*kalau kita sangka susah..maka susahlah kita..
  kalau kita sangka malas..maka malaslah kita
  kalau kita sangka mangkakh..maka mangkakhlah kita..TETAPI...kalau kita sangka KECEMERLANGAN ITU MUDAH...maka berdialah kepada Allah untuk menunjukkan KECEMERLANGAN itu kepada kita..
*Saya Boleh!Lebih Penting dari Saya Pandai!?????
*Paradigma Diri Dalam Bekerja:
Terima Hakikat Kita Perlu Berubah..
Untuk Keadaan berubah..Saya Mesti lah Berubah Dulu..
*Perubahan adalah sesuatu yang tidak dapat di elakkan..Kita Mesti Menerima Perubahan Sebagai Satu Hikmah Kehidupan..
*Perubahan Bukanlah  Satu Ancaman ...tetapi Satu Harapan..Kita tidak Boleh Bertambah Baik Jika kita Tidak Berubah..
*Semua Orang Boleh Berubah ..dan Semua Orang Patut Berubah..
*Salah satu cara untuk mengenalpasti seseorang itu berjaya atau tidak..ia lah sama ada dia mudah berubah atau tidak..
Ghairah untuk cuba kaedah baru,bersedia membuat pindaan,Selesa Membuat Risiko,Settle nothing less than a WOW!..hehe...
*Tinggal lah zona Keselesaan Anda...Hanya Cabaran memperolehi Kemenangan..
*Keluar dari Kepompong Diri..
*Kebanyakan Orang Takut Melangkah Arah Baru Menghadapi Cabaran..


The motivational course was conducted over several main topics of which below was its finer points...

Day 1: Self Retrospect

* quote from  Umar: Damn those that do not repent..
* No matter how busy you are in a day,find 10 minutes at least a day,in solitude to make self evaluation and forward planning..
*Commiyiment and Passion for Excellence
*Pray or Niat to be your Best!
*Allah loves those that does everything in sincerity and excellence....
*To find excellence..dont stop at OK!
*3 types of people:
Successful: those that does tomorrow better than today..
Mundane:Those that do today the same as yesterday...
Damned:Those that do worse than yesterday...
*Pray for the best to Allah and you will recieve the best from HIM..
*How often do you doa for your bosses,parents,colleagues,subordinates,teachers,friends?husbands?wifes?children?
*Last thing you doa in the day..Please Allah..if this be my last night of living,,let me die in Iman please..
*Theres A Will Theres A Way!
*If it is to be..It is Up to Me!

of pride honour and value:Sapura Industrial Executives 012 trashes it out..

It was maybe a refresher for most of us that had forgotten company retreats..specifically..the norms and expectations of Sapura Industrial Berhad  Culture...i can still remember my last outings  quite clearly...i  said to En Tahar ..with sadness ..looking back at my years here..thick or thin..difficult or hard...with loyalty or as novelty...my days here the last 10 years had been...ecliptic..at least...so to speak...but as i constantly remind my self here as the fog sets in endlessly,nevermind how its started...its how we can end it...in style was my reminder!..Broga ..i recalled...was eerie...Morib...fun....Janda Baik ..i thought to myself.....revealing...as simple and difficult as that...!.Never mind Change was the main topic,teamwork,coordination,perception,anticipation,communication,understandings,humanitarian values,are also elements we cannot do without...all the facilitators gave us their best in relaying the intended message...,,which is how bad do u want this thing called success...and in the end...if its good  with intentions then there should be no stopping you....and  even if it isas  ill  and evil meant,theres also no stopping you...the choice is yours, and with the sound mind knowledge and financial beings with you,im sure theres justification all around...god or no god!..
Which really points to the fact if theres any self actualization to be done or change in short,it has to be from within...no force,no ill treatments,it is only you and only you that can wake up from the hypnosis of hate and scum speaking and realize there isnt really much more i can be or do nor he can be from all the current condescending environment we are creating for him..and if this stays as it is.....who is more likely to be a nothingness in the end...the answers are there all around you and by the hour its getting to be quite a popular Club it seems....lets lock people up n steal their belongings!haha..hehe...yup hoo cares if one dies in alzheimer,deep insanity  or even moronic if  you like..at least the money you  spend and rely on is mine...yup..you cant even keep a  a dog alive or dogs ,you are asking my son  of his rights..BOZO! ..
Sure , the definitions and  cases aplenty,allah as  the causer  effector to the lover and forgiver, we praise them all, and along side the Rasullullah, there seemed to be no other., But on this weekend...are we there to fantasize gods clemency of  our forecast ed doom or we going to make that paradigmn shift so to speak and forget all our  differences of  hate and work as Achieving  One to sail the Oceans Of  Triumphant Return Once More...?..though i think we will all sink like a Titanic on Ice....lets hold on to this vest called vss..shall we....then a sugar cane stall serving Coconut Rice on Oxford Street ..y not?..coz i think this Friendly Fire just got Bigger Than U Imagine..Salam..

The Force: and its perceptions,a Sapura Industrial Think Tank..

It was maybe a refresher for most of us that had forgotten company retreats..specifically..the norms and expectations of Sapura Industrial Berhad  Culture...i can still remember my last outiungs quite clearly...i  said to En Tahar ..with sadness ..looking back at my years here..thick or thin..difficult or hard...with loyalty or as novelty...my days here the last 10 years had been...ecliptic...so to speak...but as i constantly remind my self here as the fog sets in,nevermind how its started...its how we can end it...in style was my reminder!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

DRB shows how its done..

Remember that gag photo of Dany Bahar from sniffpetrol.com and the subsequent press release from Group Lotus? We covered it. Well, it seems that it could have carried some grain of truth because everything is fine and dandy in Lotus Cars… at least for now.
Autocar UK has recently reported that DRB-Hicom have opened up the cash pipeline and channelled it to Lotus Cars. This allows the Hethel-based company to produce cars at maximum capacity.
The plan is to get the new Esprit, which is the first of the five new-wave models, to roll into showrooms by the end of 2013. It confirms our earlier post, except that the launch might not be in time for spring. The fates of the other proposed models are still in limbo.
The secured cash flow also means that Lotus will continue with the development of its own V8 engine and automated manual transmission. Production of the current Elises, Exiges and Evoras can also resume thanks to the lifeline.
In regards to the recent report by Bloomberg that KPMG was appointed to “reevaluate Lotus with a view to sell” Dany Bahar said that there was “no fire sale, no selling process and no bidding.”
Dany Bahar’s stance has strong backing from DRB-Hicom, as stated in a Bernama report. The same report said that Group Managing Director Datuk Seri Mohd Khamil Jamil hired KPMG even before the acquisition of Proton.
Autocar’s report also carried a comment, by Dany Bahar, that a top-ranking Proton employee, the CFO of Proton Group, has joined Lotus’ top management. It is move that the Lotus Cars’ CEO welcomes.

Proton Delisted from KLSE

The Edge Financial Daily reported today that Proton Holdings Bhd is well on its way to being delisted from Bursa Malaysia after new owners DHB-Hicom had secured over 90% equity interest through its takeover offer. As of 5pm yesterday, DRB-Hicom owns 90.02% stake in Proton as announced by the company’s advisers Maybank Investment Bank Bhd and Hong Leong Investment Bank Bhd.
DRB-Hicom now has the freedom of restructuring Proton without the need to answer to the minority shareholders. There is also speculation that Proton’s Shah Alam plant will integrate its operations with those of Tanjung Malim. Consequently, the land in Shah Alam will be sold or redeveloped.
The report continues to note that the privatisation of Proton will create a sizable automotive entity that would rival the Perodua-Toyota Malaysia alliance that lists Toyota Japan, Permodalan Nasional Bhd and Daihatsu Japan as its key shareholders. The shockwaves of DRB-Hicom’s move will send tremors to certain parts vendors; DRB-Hicom is known to have an extensive automotive parts manufacturing business and it might be sourcing parts from its own backyard.
When asked about the fate of Lotus Group, DRB-Hicom was quick to put the stopper on the rumour mill. The conglomerate also renounced the knowledge that Lotus would be sold to Youngman or be put under administration. As of now, DRB-Hicom is still supporting Lotus Group financially and management-wise.