Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Japanese Management..

Like the West,Japan has its fair share of organization failures side by side with the success stories.But with all things researched and done,the same principle holds. Those unsuccessful cases are characterized by managements poor judgement and leadership,hostile management worker relations,stagnant organizations,poor human resource development,defective financing policies,inability to mathch technological change,inappropriate cost management,all of which reflect an inability to achieve the "good fits".
But where those successful Japanese organizations are concerned,they have shown through their organic evolution,that they can change the way they are. Once they have identified the conditions on which their organizations are dependent,they can look towards blending the organization theories for optimum effectiveness.
To drive this point home , it is interesting to note that the typical Japanese firm operating overseas employs an approach to management distinctively different from the typical host country firm.Take USA for example,where Japanese firms there would modify their management to suit the needs of the US rather than replicate the form developed in their native Japan.Nonetheless,they still retain their DNA style management and remain quite distinct from most American firms. And the single most different approach to life and business that no others willing to  do...harakiri..or fight to the end..WIN! or DIE!SaLAM..


  1. ...well done!..u have certainly "corporatise" ur blog!haha!

  2. ..corporatise..vaporise..amortize...unless ure a paying customer of ours...hoo cares..dude!haha
